Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21, "Hangman"

At some point, Alex learned how to play "hangman" and Winnie the Pooh, Brad, and I played with Alex this afternoon while Abby napped.

November 20, Michigan Winery Tour

One of the best birthday presents ever!

November 19, Out To Dinner

Aunt Nicci and Uncle Andrew came in to visit this weekend and we went out to dinner. Abby did not eat anything until we were about ready to leave, when she started eating brown rice off this large spoon!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, The Tree, Part 3

The new and improved tree features only soft, completely unbreakable ornaments and is only decorated above the 3'. Everything is out of reach from Abby and the cats and should the new, sturdy tree fall over, at least nothing will break.

November 17, Who Needs Toys?

"Look Mom, it's a rocketship!"

November 16, Trying Something Smaller

Alex thought he'd try to decorate something a little smaller, like this tree from Gigi.

November 15, The Tree, Part 2

Scooter the cat tried to climb the tree, the base cracked and Brad had to prop up the tree with these plastic tubs til I got home. At which point, we went out and replaced the 9 year old tree with a lovely, new pre-lit tree.
In Scooter's defense, the tree was a little wobbly when we first put it up and it was probably only a matter of time before it toppled. Half the ornaments fell off and a few broke :(

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, The Tree, Part 1

Alex is the official tree decorator in the house. He decorated the whole thing and did a great job. Stay tuned...

November 13, It's Hard To Ride 2 Horses At Once

Pretending she's "Jessie" from Toy Story, riding on "Bullseye".

November 12, Happy 30th Birthday Mom!

It was a great day :)

November 11, First Haircut

Abby had her first haircut, which was really just a trim around the edges. She hated every minute of it and couldn't wait to get down!

November 10, Early Risers

The kids still haven't adjusted to the extra hour of sleep and they are up anywhere from 5-6:30 in the morning. Some days that means they get to eat breakfast with Brad, which is a special treat during the week!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 9, Trash Helper

She pushed both recycle bins up the driveway and wheeled the two big trash cans up as well. What a big helper!

November 8, The Park!

Temps in the 60s meant it was off to the park for us!

November 7, Posing

Posing by her bed...

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 6, Fave PJs

When these aren't clean, she asks for them by name, and does give me some attitude when they are still in the laundry.

November 5, Cutie Pies!

November 4, Mr. Potato Heads

Speaking of classic toys...

November 3, ViewMaster

Abby's been in a Toy Story funk lately, breaking out all the classic toys.

She's already bent about half of the little cards for the ViewMaster.

November 2, Buzz/Woody Jammies

"Do I have to pose for this picture when all I want to do is snuggle with my bottle and blankie and go to sleep?"

November 1, Sugar Coma

It's hard going back to school the day after Halloween! Here's Alex almost comatose after school Monday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

October 31, Trick or Treat (finally!!)

It's like herding cats to try and get a picture of all the neighborhood kids together each year!

October 30, Sharing

Sharing his candy treats with his sister.

October 29, Class Halloween Party

Woody was so excited to wear his cowboy boots to school!

October 28, Baby Bees Halloween

The kids in Abby's gymnastics class were able to dress in costume for class on Thursday. They were ADORABLE!

October 27, Little Legs

I think it is funny to watch Abby sit on the rocking horse when she watches TV. Her little legs don't even touch the floor!